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What did you do America?


Ahmer Muzammil



Naahh..this aint America’ fault. This one is on democrat establishment. So before we start the catharsis and how world will end, lets first acknowledge the fact that Majority of Americans voted AGAINST trump. Yepp, I went there. I know it seems like I am clutching at straws, but this is important because it tell us that a huge majority of Americans are neither racist nor bad people. And that includes even people who voted for Trump in this election cycle.

Those who understand the science of American presidential elections know that president is elected on the basis of Electoral College. What that basically means is that there are handful of states whose outcomes decide the fate of American presidency, By now we all know which states those are.

For the sake of keeping this short, I am not going to list down actual numbers of what happened in those swing states. Whats important to recognize however, millions of Americans/whites who voted for Obama in 2012, voted for trump this time around. When you look at county by county results in Pennsylvania, Florida, Wisconsin, OHIO and Michigan, this trend is consistent, and in my estimation, this is where Ms. Clinton lost the election. Ms. Clinton also lost the demographic of white college graduates by huge numbers. This is a demographic that Obama did really well with. So before we go ahead and tag all trump voters as KKK members, we need to get off the high horse of morality and acknowledge that millions of people who voted for trump, voted for Obama in 2012. So although its easier to find these excuses, its lazy to paint people with a wide brush.

The real failure here is that of democrat establishment who got high on their own kool-aid. They didn’t realize that this country is still about 70% white and it’s dangerous to alienate such a huge voter-base. People genuinely didn’t like Ms. Clinton and democrats had a better candidate in Bernie Sander. I am not suggesting that she is evil or even a criminal. What I am saying however is that perception is important in politics. She is perceived as someone who would go to any extent to win an election. I am not suggesting that race, misogyny and fear-mongering didn’t play a role (and a vital one at that), I am however saying that there is more to it than just that.

In interest of moving forward, its important that we take defeat with grace. Its never a good idea to become bitter and angry to the extent of becoming dysfunctional. There is enough good news in the fact that Hilary won the popular vote and progressives and democrats should build on the Bernie momentum. USA is a changing, it will be more and more non-white and the progressive movement isn’t kaput. This is a shock and major blow for sure, and enough time should be accorded for mourning and grief. But as Americans, we have faced far worse and eventually came out on top. This should be no different. Interesting days ahead.

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