By Ali Bhurgri
February 29 was a tragic and treacherous day for Pakistan. Sharmeen Obaid had an Oscar, Mumtaz Qadri was hanged. It is painstakingly sad, and like a good Pakistani I shall attempt to explain why. There is a ray of sadness in me, not because of the whole saga of capital punishment of course, but because a conscientious solider of Islamism and pan Islamism was martyred.
Some delusional people would argue, he was a cold blooded murderer. But don’t believe them, they are anti national and anti idealism because they think, Pakistan is a free country where people have volition. We are country bound by the shackles of ignorance and extreme narratives of nationalism.
Mumtaz Qadri is a hero and you are not entitled to believe anything else. He did everything in the name of Islam in a country where the only Islamic thing is, the name of it. Any one who says, ‘blasphemy should not be a law’, should be killed with immediate effect. The blasphemy law has done superlatively for Pakistan. Since 1987; 1300 people have been accused of it, you will be flabbergasted to know that the vast majority of the accused were non Muslim religious minorities. Ruthless and cruel minorities, endorsing blasphemous content since 1947, there is not a shred of doubt that they were all guilty.
Religious organizations in the country declare other organizations non-Muslims and un-Islamic, that is a bit of a problem but it is still very plausible that the state should always be connected with religion. Let’s continue our fight against any kind of enlightenment.
The laws in favor of woman are also contumelious since when did women in this country started having rights ? In an old Pakistani case named Hakimzadi V Nawaz Ali, decided under divorce, a woman who complained of being repeatedly drugged and accused of adultery was denied divorce on the basis of the Dissolution of Muslim marriage act 1939 and the judge concluded that the wife had to put with treatment of such kind in Pakistan. That is the culture we want to perpetuate.
What makes me more sad is, that a vast majority in Pakistan has celebrated these rights.
I feel that is the bad influence of the west on our purified nation. Even rape within marriage is recognized countries like England, that is the sheer lunacy coming out of those countries. Of course we peruse them.
On the other hand, Sharmeen Obaid won an Oscar, by defaming the beautiful image of Pakistan. Everyone in the world knows we are a country of tolerance and Justice. It is outrageous to point out our own wrong doings.
Sharmeen’s work isn’t subversive enough, I think she could easily make documentaries on how Pakistani men are 3rd sexiest in the world and how General Raheel Sharif is the best chief of army staff, or alternatively the story of our victory in 1965 war.
Dr Nergis Mavalvala is reprehensible and regressive woman, who had her role in the discovery of gravitational waves and thinks woman can do anything in any field. It is against our proud, patriarchal culture.
I am dismissive of all claims made against my country, regardless of the truth in them. I am discouraged by execution of Heroes, even if everyone else calls them cold blooded murders. I will feel diluted if education is on the rise in this country, and most importantly I will skedaddle if you learn to dismiss my narrative of nationalism.
From- A true patriotic Pakistan